Quality • Diligence • Affordability


divorce & paternity

Divorce can destroy childhoods, lay waste to your finances, and create permanent emotional scars for families. Before making unalterable decisions, schedule a consultation and I’ll walk you through the entire landscape of how things can go right and go wrong. Then we will work together to fashion a result that is acceptable to you and, hopefully, to the other side as well. Remember, there is no ‘winner take all’ in divorce court. People seldom walk away happy when it’s over. Knowing what you’re walking into ahead of time can help you avoid some of the common pitfalls of divorce and custody proceedings.

REAL PROPERTY & Landlord/tenant

If you need advice relating to real estate or other property issues, please schedule a consultation. Easements, title problems, and property disputes between neighbors can poison relationships if left unaddressed. I can help with deeds, landlord/tenant issues, property torts, title examination, etc.

Civil litigation and torts

Sometimes the mere threat of litigation will bring the other side to the table. Unfortunately, sometimes you have to file suit just to convince them that you’re serious. If you have a problem that requires money damages or an injunction, and you are uncertain how best to proceed, schedule a consultation and we’ll walk through the possibilities. If you are being sued and need someone to step up for you, schedule a free consultation.


If you are facing criminal charges or believe that you may be charged in the near future, it is critical that you find an attorney who knows how to handle your defense. Be it at trial or in negotiations with the State, an experienced criminal defense attorney can make all the difference. Contact my office for consultation and great hourly or flat rates.

*I can handle felonies and misdemeanors in Osage County, but only misdemeanors in Washington County due to current docket schedules. If you have criminal charges in Nowata County or elsewhere I will take criminal cases on a case-by-case basis as my calendar permits.

osage nation tribal court & tribal law

I am admitted to practice law before the Trial Court of the Osage Nation in Pawhuska, and have handled a number of family law proceedings and protective orders under tribal jurisdiction. Although the laws and procedures governing tribal courts are very similar to those of county district courts, litigants can sometimes feel uncertain as to what they are walking into. As with any legal matter, it is wise to schedule a consultation with an attorney familiar with the tribal court venue in question.

Water Law

Do you need water for your domestic or business operations? You may (or may not!) need to acquire rights for groundwater or stream water from the Oklahoma Water Resources Board. Oklahoma is one of only three states to operate a ‘dual’ doctrine system for establishing water rights. This unique approach to water rights management can be bewildering. How can you tell which doctrine applies to which watercourse? Don’t worry - I spent entirely too much time studying this subject in law school and have good contacts with the people who administer the state’s water rights. Give me a call or schedule a consultation and we’ll sort out your water situation.

Protective orders

Commonly referred to as a ‘restraining order’, the Victim’s Protective Order is a unique legal action taken in civil court that incorporates aspects of both criminal and civil law. You qualify for a protective order hearing if you were physically harmed or threatened with physical harm, if you are subject to verbal abuse or harassment by a family member or intimate partner, or if you are the victim of stalking. There are a number of things you will need to consider if you plan to file a petition for protective order. Depending on the situation, you may not have time to wait to speak to an attorney before filing. If so, come see me and we will work with what you have. If not, I would request you speak with me before filing your petition so that we can ensure you the best possible protection leading up to your hearing.

Estate planning

The less time and money your family has to spend probating your estate, the better. Wills will not keep you out of probate court, and the fees you pay there may be more than you expected. They say an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure. I strive to help you take as much of the uncertainty out of estate planning as possible.

Business entities & 501(c)(3)

When starting a business or nonprofit venture, it is critical to know which legal business structure is right for you. Each comes with benefits and drawbacks that depend as much on the specifics of your situation as they do on the structures themselves. LLC’s, incorporation, non-profits, partnership agreements - I can help you decide what’s best for you, and I can draft articles and bylaws that reflect your wishes while remaining legally compliant.


The fine print isn’t just hard to read. It can be the difference between success and disappointment. Whether you are reviewing a contract on offer or preparing to draft one yourself, set up a consultation with my office. If there’s a devil in the details, I’ll try to help you find it.